Headaches After a Car Accident

Find Expert Treatment for Your Accident-Related Headaches

In the immediate aftermath of your car accident, you may not feel any reason to seek medical attention. Apart from some headaches, you may feel otherwise fine. However, those headaches may actually be the warning signs you need to recognize. At WellnessOne of Eastgate, we can help Bellevue residents experiencing accident-related headaches. How can a car accident chiropractor provide effective headache treatment? Find out the answer to that important question by continuing with the rest of this article.


Why Are You Experiencing Headaches After Your Car Accident?

Not everyone is aware that headaches can be symptomatic of auto accident injuries. More specifically, those headaches are potential indicators of whiplash. Whiplash is an injury that stems from the head and neck violently moving back and forth.

The violent movements can damage the structures in your cervical spine and cause misalignments. While whiplash could also be the result of a sports injury or assault, it is more commonly found in car accident victims. Rear-end car collisions are notorious for causing whiplash injuries.

The Effects of Whiplash

So, what effects can whiplash have on you? For starters, you’ll have to deal with some physical symptoms, including neck and shoulder pain, muscle weakness, and reduced flexibility. Those physical symptoms are bad enough, but your case of whiplash may cause some additional problems.

Neurological symptoms associated with whiplash injuries include trouble sleeping, memory issues, and headaches. Those headaches will persist until you do something about your case of whiplash.

What Headache Treatment Can a Car Accident Chiropractor Provide?

Treating your whiplash is the key to breaking free from your chronic headaches. A chiropractor near you can provide the treatment you need for that injury. Chiropractic care is an effective tool for treating whiplash because that injury is the result of damage to your cervical spine. Your chiropractor can administer spinal adjustments to correct the misalignments along your cervical spine and alleviate your headaches.

Aside from spinal adjustments, chiropractors can also use therapeutic massage and cold laser therapy to treat your whiplash injury. Therapeutic massage and cold laser therapy are great for treating the damaged tissues in your cervical spine. They can draw out your body’s natural healing response and help your soft tissues recover faster.

Find Effective Whiplash Treatment From a Chiropractor Near You

Treating a whiplash injury can be a straightforward matter if you decide to work with us at WellnessOne of Eastgate. Get in touch with us today or visit our office in Bellevue to begin your whiplash treatment.

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9:00 am - 6:00 pm
